End-to-End Tech Services

Your Vision is Our Mission

Agile Management Office & Project Management Office Leadership

Our AMO leaders spearhead organizational agile transformations, helping clients embrace and implement tools and techniques that create a speed to value environment and culture. We assess the agile maturity of an organization and how it currently delivers both technical and non-technical initiatives to identify the areas of opportunity and focus and craft a feasible organizational framework and implementation plan. Our experts coach the teams delivering work and stay involved throughout the SDLC to ensure the practices put in place are performed consistently and that learnings and feedback are incorporated into the organizational framework.

Unlike traditional PMO support, we deploy experienced agile program and project management professionals to lead the successful delivery of the most complex initiatives. Our team prioritizes transparent communication at all levels and throughout all phases of the program, earning our reputation as trusted leaders and partners. Our program managers create empowered environments and intent-driven teams who see the big picture and stay laser focused on the mission at hand. We facilitate change and growth for our clients and provide the necessary training and coaching for long-term delivery success. As embedded project and program managers, we establish guiding principles and working agreements with the teams at the beginning of each engagement and revisit them throughout the program. This strategy celebrates and encourages accountability, allowing the team to operate in an open, trusted, and authentic environment, maintaining a shared focus on speed to value delivery and realization.

Business & Technology Transformation Advisory Services

A well-defined vision and strategy is the north star of an organization, creating a shared understanding of the target end state. It is the reason for successful transformations and often the root cause for not achieving value realization. Implementing cutting-edge technology relies on a bullet-proof strategic plan that clearly lays out the future-state vision and the roadmap to realization.

Understanding the “what” and “why” of the transformation vision is critical to everyone participating in the program. We collaborate with leadership to unpack and capture these key components and craft a plan that articulates the vision, purpose, and value proposition in a way that is globally understood throughout the organization. Developing the strategy is simple. Gaining and maintaining alignment on the strategy throughout the transformation is the challenge.

It is crucial that leaders prioritize commitment to the vision and strategy. We help our clients anticipate strategic pivots and counsel them on the benefits and risks of deviating from the agreed-upon plan. We provide our clients with the tools to effectively communicate, collaborate, and develop a shared commitment to overarching goals, ultimately enabling greater innovation, alignment, and desired outcomes.

Change Management, Training, & Transition

Client delivery and adoption readiness is a continuous process that Blue Phoenix initiates in the discovery and requirements gathering phase and iteratively matures throughout the SDLC and transition. Implementations often fail because end users and organizations are not properly prepared for the change. They do not understand the impact of the technology or process changes or have effective training and documentation to guide them on the new system functionality. We are hands-on change and training leaders, interacting with end-users and stakeholders early and often to understand, document, and communicate the change, the impact, and the feedback. Our targeted organizational change management (OCM) and training plans outline our step-by-step approach to drive clarity, confidence, buy-in, and engagement from all impacted parties.

Whether transitioning the new system to internal or external teams, our transition leaders assess the system and processes to create a comprehensive plan and documentation that enables the new team to provide uninterrupted support and continued optimization for end-users.

Product Discovery & Management

Blue Phoenix customer-centric product leaders establish and maintain a disciplined product discovery and management process that fosters clarity, creativity, rapid prototyping and embraces change. We identify and evaluate problems and opportunities to determine product market fit. Our approach is simple. It involves continuously scanning the environment and using lean tools such as design sprints, lean decision jams, and lean business cases to rapidly identify the most important problems to solve and prototyping solutions that solve them.

Masters of Agile, Scrum, SAFe, LeSS methodologies, we tailor a “speed to market” strategy for each customer based on the customer’s organizational structure and appetite for change. We translate discovery learnings into value-driven product and implementation roadmaps and craft business focused Epics, Features, and Stories. In collaboration with business and technology, we lead the prioritization, organization, planning, and testing readiness of the product increment. We analyze the future state vision and the current state to identify and capture gaps and process improvement opportunities. Blue Phoenix’s reputation as a premier product partner is a result of our proven ability to rapidly discover and shepherd product value into the hands of end-users.

Scaled Value Delivery Product Coaching

Blue Phoenix’s proprietary Scaled Value Delivery (SVD) coaching program is an interactive workshop that combines the best practices of today’s agile methodologies with proven tools and techniques to improve the speed at which software products are envisioned, designed, developed, and delivered. Our SVD coaches are agility experts with decades of experience navigating the dynamics and challenges facing the software development industry. Each workshop is tailored to deliver on our client’s outcomes and improve value delivery at an individual, team, and organizational level.

In this hands-on, collaborative program, participants learn how to work on an agile team to deliver value at each phase of the delivery process: discovery, product development, and value delivery. They will learn:

  • The different product development personas and how to effectively collaborate,
  • Rapid discovery tools and techniques to identify the right problems to solve and test proposed solutions,
  • How to make decisions as a group versus top-down approach,
  • The implementation skills necessary to achieve adoption.

Participants will apply their learnings to real life scenarios and case studies throughout the coaching engagement. By instilling a culture of value-driven delivery, organizations and teams see greater efficiencies and faster speed to value realization.

Agile Management Office & Project Management Office Leadership

Our AMO leaders spearhead organizational agile transformations, helping clients embrace and implement tools and techniques that create a speed to value environment and culture. We assess the agile maturity of an organization and how it currently delivers both technical and non-technical initiatives to identify the areas of opportunity and focus and craft a feasible organizational framework and implementation plan. Our experts coach the teams delivering work and stay involved throughout the SDLC to ensure the practices put in place are performed consistently and that learnings and feedback are incorporated into the organizational framework.

Unlike traditional PMO support, we deploy experienced agile program and project management professionals to lead the successful delivery of the most complex initiatives. Our team prioritizes transparent communication at all levels and throughout all phases of the program, earning our reputation as trusted leaders and partners. Our program managers create empowered environments and intent-driven teams who see the big picture and stay laser focused on the mission at hand. We facilitate change and growth for our clients and provide the necessary training and coaching for long-term delivery success. As embedded project and program managers, we establish guiding principles and working agreements with the teams at the beginning of each engagement and revisit them throughout the program. This strategy celebrates and encourages accountability, allowing the team to operate in an open, trusted, and authentic environment, maintaining a shared focus on speed to value delivery and realization.

Tactics, Techniques, & Procedures (TTPs)

  • Organizational agility assessment
  • Agile coaching & training
  • Professional scrum master development
  • Agile Community of Practice
  • Definition of done workshops
  • Team & organization working agreements
  • Objectives & key results (OKR)
  • Contract management
  • Project transparency & status reporting
  • Project planning & scheduling
  • Meeting & workshop facilitation
  • Strategic communications
  • Scope change management
  • Jira setup & administration
  • Risk, action item, issues & decision management

Business & Technology Transformation Advisory Services

A well-defined vision and strategy is the north star of an organization, creating a shared understanding of the target end state. It is the reason for successful transformations and often the root cause for not achieving value realization. Implementing cutting-edge technology relies on a bullet-proof strategic plan that clearly lays out the future-state vision and the roadmap to realization.

Understanding the “what” and “why” of the transformation vision is critical to everyone participating in the program. We collaborate with leadership to unpack and capture these key components and craft a plan that articulates the vision, purpose, and value proposition in a way that is globally understood throughout the organization. Developing the strategy is simple. Gaining and maintaining alignment on the strategy throughout the transformation is the challenge.

It is crucial that leaders prioritize commitment to the vision and strategy. We help our clients anticipate strategic pivots and counsel them on the benefits and risks of deviating from the agreed-upon plan. We provide our clients with the tools to effectively communicate, collaborate, and develop a shared commitment to overarching goals, ultimately enabling greater innovation, alignment, and desired outcomes.

Tactics, Techniques, & Procedures (TTPs)

  • Organizational Discovery & Design
  • Leadership Workshops & Facilitation
  • SAFe Lean Portfolio Management (LPM)
  • Strategic Objectives & Key Results (OKR)
  • Strategy Formulation
  • Planning, Communication, & Execution
  • Organizational Capacity & Design
  • Benefits Delivery Excellence

Change Management, Training, & Transition

Client delivery and adoption readiness is a continuous process that Blue Phoenix initiates in the discovery and requirements gathering phase and iteratively matures throughout the SDLC and transition. Implementations often fail because end users and organizations are not properly prepared for the change. They do not understand the impact of the technology or process changes or have effective training and documentation to guide them on the new system functionality. We are hands-on change and training leaders, interacting with end-users and stakeholders early and often to understand, document, and communicate the change, the impact, and the feedback. Our targeted organizational change management (OCM) and training plans outline our step-by-step approach to drive clarity, confidence, buy-in, and engagement from all impacted parties.

Whether transitioning the new system to internal or external teams, our transition leaders assess the system and processes to create a comprehensive plan and documentation that enables the new team to provide uninterrupted support and continued optimization for end-users.

Tactics, Techniques, & Procedures (TTPs)

  • Role & skillset-based coaching and training programs
  • Stakeholder & organization change readiness assessment and roadmap
  • Organizational Change Management Plans
  • Change management workshops and feedback loops
  • Training strategy and roadmap
  • Training curriculum design and development
  • Custom training delivery (Synchronous, Asynchronous, Instructor Led, Virtual, and CBT)
  • Transition-in and transition-out assessments and plans
  • Transition and post-transition support

Product Discovery & Management

Blue Phoenix customer-centric product leaders establish and maintain a disciplined product discovery and management process that fosters clarity, creativity, rapid prototyping and embraces change. We identify and evaluate problems and opportunities to determine product market fit. Our approach is simple. It involves continuously scanning the environment and using lean tools such as design sprints, lean decision jams, and lean business cases to rapidly identify the most important problems to solve and prototyping solutions that solve them.

Masters of Agile, Scrum, SAFe, LeSS methodologies, we tailor a “speed to market” strategy for each customer based on the customer’s organizational structure and appetite for change. We translate discovery learnings into value-driven product and implementation roadmaps and craft business focused Epics, Features, and Stories. In collaboration with business and technology, we lead the prioritization, organization, planning, and testing readiness of the product increment. We analyze the future state vision and the current state to identify and capture gaps and process improvement opportunities. Blue Phoenix’s reputation as a premier product partner is a result of our proven ability to rapidly discover and shepherd product value into the hands of end-users.

Tactics, Techniques, & Procedures (TTPs)

  • Product Discovery & Visioning
  • Product Market Fit & Value Proposition
  • Value-Driven Roadmaps
  • Customer Personas & Empathy Maps
  • Rapid Prototyping & Hypothesis Validation
  • UX Research, Design & Validation
  • Product Coaching
  • Epic, Feature & User Story Definition
  • Process Analysis
  • Agile / Scrum / SAFe / LeSS

Scaled Value Delivery Product Coaching

Blue Phoenix’s proprietary Scaled Value Delivery (SVD) coaching program is an interactive workshop that combines the best practices of today’s agile methodologies with proven tools and techniques to improve the speed at which software products are envisioned, designed, developed, and delivered. Our SVD coaches are agility experts with decades of experience navigating the dynamics and challenges facing the software development industry. Each workshop is tailored to deliver on our client’s outcomes and improve value delivery at an individual, team, and organizational level.

In this hands-on, collaborative program, participants learn how to work on an agile team to deliver value at each phase of the delivery process: discovery, product development, and value delivery. They will learn:

  • The different product development personas and how to effectively collaborate,
  • Rapid discovery tools and techniques to identify the right problems to solve and test proposed solutions,
  • How to make decisions as a group versus top-down approach,
  • The implementation skills necessary to achieve adoption.

Participants will apply their learnings to real life scenarios and case studies throughout the coaching engagement. By instilling a culture of value-driven delivery, organizations and teams see greater efficiencies and faster speed to value realization.

Tactics, Techniques, & Procedures (TTPs)

  • Product discovery & idea generation
  • Product vision alignment and value-driven roadmap workshops
  • Persona & customer journey maps
  • Design sprints & lean decision jams
  • Storyboarding and rapid prototyping
  • Facilitation of customer & stakeholder interviews
  • Epic, feature & story writing workshops
  • Product leadership training & coaching
  • Integrated project plan development & management
  • Identifying & managing waste and risks
  • Client delivery & adoption activities
  • Continuous improvement techniques
  • Training, coaching & agile assessments

Our Approach

Blue Phoenix places leaders on the front line, fostering a culture of collective learning and cross-functional team experimentation to achieve the mission. We facilitate both discovery and delivery, highlighting the importance of leadership engagement and promoting integrated learning at all levels to optimize value.


We leverage our mission-centric mindset to enhance accuracy within our clients’ program management, value discovery, and delivery processes. Our trusted advisors know the value of precise, common language to facilitate shared understanding and the importance of strict adherence to the fundamentals to consecutively hit the mark.


Change is anticipated and embraced. With 25+ years of industry experience and military service under our belts, we ready our clients with the pivots to expect at every phase of the program and how to navigate them. Our Veteran leaders are experts at predicting change and adapting quickly. We guide teams to build models and seek feedback early and often, allowing for rapid discovery and delivery of value. We continuously generate options, evaluate each opportunity, and responsibly pivot to value without hesitation. We “Pivot or Die.”


We synchronize internal and external teams throughout the transformation lifecycle to ensure seamless value realization. Regardless of whether coordination is required between third-party vendors, environments, businesses, or systems, we move fast to make sure the right people contribute to the desired goal and outcome. Our empowered teams operate with intent and self-organize to independently identify the most effective way to solve a problem or answer a question.


We are experts at building mission-focused teams and guiding organizations to create an environment for them to achieve greatness on their own or in combination with other teams. We lead from the front, synthesizing and aligning on intent and vision that allows for decentralized decision-making and integration of all domains required to be successful in Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) environments.

Our Impact

Data is quantified in real-time — the true impact is perpetually expanding and growing. Our creed embodies the spirit of relentless persistence. “In the face of adversity, we forge ahead with unwavering resolve: Military Perseverance.”


Hours Saved with Increased Loan Automation


900+ Stories • 25 Sprints • 15 Integrations • Go-Live Milestone Hit


Loans Originated and Guaranteed Annually